Elite Dangerous Discord Channels - Radio Sidewinder

Elite Dangerous Discord Channels

As more and more people are using Discord I thought it would be a good idea to list some the groups within ED who are using Discord.

Radio Sidewinder – https://discord.gg/0idLQikkQy6csbZx

Aisling Duval – https://discord.gg/0hsajAjOCmCeTLZF

Candy Crew Guild – https://discord.gg/0nY4AnbzadaNd9i1

Children of Raxxla – https://discordapp.com/channels/97712386730909696/172748599908630528

Distant Worlds Expedition – https://discord.gg/0hKG2qb9ODiFpkpn

Elite: Dangerous Explorers (EDEX) – https://discord.gg/7y4Xd27

Elite Imperials – https://discord.gg/0gp8J4nu2LgQlDGr

Elite Racers – https://discordapp.com/invite/0cBzmDzaVf8GKKJZ

ED Reddit – https://discord.gg/0V5hfT4eO8e3wg5U

EG Pilots (english channel) – https://discord.gg/0pjuKPKKVJo5p3Kd

Fuel Rats – https://discord.gg/0h0GGsEkSwY33c1I

Galactic Academy (0fficial with mentors that help support new players into the game) – https://discord.gg/0ov97zGV3VZlCnlX

Inara – https://discord.gg/0ZKAaStx0xhFKan5

Iridium Wing – https://discord.gg/0nR5EQCT0GoB9zFj

SEPP – https://discord.gg/0hh9C3ljgWpnWs4o

Simbad – https://discord.gg/9ZjuRVb

S.W.O.R.D. – https://discord.gg/0zOmKTZ4BbEYBMZv