It’s free if it’s ED content! All we need is an mp3 128k stereo recording. It must be of good quality. Please provide separate files for speech and background music so that we can edit and master your content easily.
If you use any sort of background music (sounds better), it must be copyright free. Ideally it should be public domain. eg. Some musicians put tracks out online that need attribution (a link back to the artist) – which is bit difficult to do when it is being put onto radio! So that is why it needs to be completely public domain. Some of the other commanders/clans who have advertised have created their own music.
The music license has to allow for broadcast – and not just be “royalty free”. Any sound effects etc must also have the same copyright free license – we need to see evidence of this as well please.
Most ads are 30 secs. Some go on longer. Longest allowed would be 1.30 mins. Please make your ad length a multiple of 30secs.
Please role-play the ad. Don’t refer to things like “combat logging”, or “join our gaming clan”, or “we play” etc.
N.B. When submitting your ad/announcement:
Send it to black-bart [at] radiosidewinder dot com be sure to CC Ravenholdt [at] radiosidewinder dot com.
These are the sort of ads we can run…
Are you running an Elite Dangerous in-game event? Would you like to promote it to the Radio Sidewinder audience? Please also post the details about your event in the news/events forum.
Do you run a group or clan? Do you need more members? Run a recruitment ad or a call to arms!
IMPORTANT – Make sure you include a way for people to contact you if they want to join! e.g. A short website address or in-game squadron name.
If you would like to advertise your group/clan on Radio Sidewinder then please contact Commander Black-Bart.
Has another pilot committed terrible acts of violence against you or your group? Are you willing to offer a reward for their destruction? Record a short advert and have it aired on Radio Sidewinder.